We are excited to announce that corporate will be hosting group auditions to hire yoga & fitness instructors!
The Purpose: We need more teachers in a lot of our studios across the lower mainland. To help studio owners, we will be holding auditions to try to onboard instructors from outside of the organization. This auditions will be open to all yoga and fitness instructors.
The Process: In the upcoming months we will be organizing auditions at various studios throughout the region. All owners are welcome to come to all auditions, always! However, to help maximize your time and the chance of you getting instructors that live near you, we will be focusing on hiring instructors from the local area where the audition is held.
For example: When we will hold the audition in the Chilliwack, Mission, Abbotsford, Aldergrove area we will really promote to local teachers there. All owners are welcome to come and see the audition however the chance of a Vancouver studio hiring at that particular audition will likely be slim.
After the audition instructors will be asked to attend a corporate orientation where they will be taught the basics around Oxygen Formatting and culture. This is not a teacher training but an orientation to introduce them into our style.
First Corporate Audition
Where: Test Studio – Olympic Village
564 W. Broadway
When: Saturday, March 9th, 2019 2:00 PM
Who: All owners welcome! We are focusing on hiring for the Vancouver and North Vancouver studios.
What to do:
- Come join us at 2 PM on March 9th. If you are coming, please RSVP with Christina. We look forward to seeing you there.
- Contact Christina if you are interested in hosting an audition for your region.
- Help us promote! We already have some people registered to come but we do need more. Please post the graphics on your social, talk to yoga & fitness instructors that you know, and let your current teachers know about the audition… because they have friends in the industry 🙂
If you have questions or concerns please contact Christina at teachertraining@ oxygenyogafitness.com